Besides, we're here because we're a tad bored by everyone living in one-room cabins, right?
Total area (not including halls; the SBG doesn't care of about halls or stairs): 429sqft
That's within tolerance of the "1 stronghold space" guides listed by the SBG. You're looking at the slightly upscale version of a one-room cabin. ... Let's see how this adds up, math-wise.
Bedroom: 117sqft - SBG "Basic Bedrooms" @ 700gp
Kitchen: 143sqft - SBG "Basic Kitchen" @ 2000gp OR "Basic Alchemical Lab" @ 700gp
Parlor: 260sqft - SBG "Basic Commons" @ 500gp
Notice the big, fat 'OR' on the kitchen.
I addressed this issue in my pricing guide. Basically, because the SBG is geared to... well, strongholds, it's a little wonky when we want to scale the basic industrial kitchen to cooking part-time for a family of two. The alchemy lab contains measuring equipment, a fireplace, a water basin, and shelves for ingredients. The kitchen contains all that, as well as a cast-iron stove and a pantry. Pick what's appropriate.
The final tally:
Basic Bedrooms @700gp/400sqft = 205gp/117sqft > (rounded up) > 300gp
Basic Alchemy Lab @700gp/400sqft = 250gp/143sqft > (rounded up) > 300gp
Basic Commons @ 500gp/400sqft = 325gp/260sqft > (rounded up) > 400gp
Walls: wood, first floor = free
Doors: 2x free, 5x simple wood bought = 50gp
Windows: 7x glass = 70gp
Locks: 3x average = 120gp
Total: 1240gp for this house, fully furnished
DMG "Simple House" price? 1000gp. We're golden.
(Okay, this isn't totally accurate-- you don't get cushioned sofas in the basic commons. You get rough benches and ugly art. You want the sofas, you need to upgrade. :P Also, if you're putting a stove in that kitchen? That total price just flew up to 1740gp. You're welcome.)
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