Friday, July 14, 2017

Lillie Lake Cottage

My bad health is particularly bad right now-- floorplans and a shitty placeholder fireplace graphic now, corrections / costs / descriptions later. :)

Introducing Lillie Lake Cottage. Attic comes as plain storage space, or developed into rooms, with the darkened parts on the side being blocked from standing by the pitch of the roof. In the developed version, this is storage space with cubby doors to access it.

The main floor is 4x7 squares, while the attic and cellar are 4x5.
Main Floor, Unfurnished

Main Floor, Furnished

Attic, Undeveloped
Attic, Unfurnished

Attic, Furnished

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Furniture Pack 1: Beds, Tables, Seating

I drew out some very basic furniture, again in 100px / 5' resolution.

Wood is in walnut, pine, ash, and mahogany. Fabric... the fabric I had some fun with.

Peasants wear only boring, drab colors... right?
Uh huh. Yeah, no. Please show yourself out the door, Hollywood. (Note that I don't promise historical accuracy in any way myself-- I'm just annoyed that people think that being poor means you can wear only brown and green for all eternity. It doesn't. People have always liked color.)

This is just a basic, basic color scheme... but they represent natural dyes (set with a mordant) and most of them aren't that hard to come by. So I'll be using this for cloth variants, to start with.

(Note: Logwood and annatto are believed to come from Mexico and South America respectively. ... I just liked the colors, and they go nicely. Annatto's creamy coloring can be found elsewhere, while logwood is a bit harder to come by.)

Now, on to the furnishings. Don't worry, I'll be adding more as time goes on.

Seating, pack 1

Tables, pack 1

Twin-sized Bed
Queen-sized Bed

Asbury Cottage

Our first cottage is inspired by an entry in a 1885 catalog of Victorian house layouts. ... I admit, I adore the Victorian era. You'll be seeing a lot of these. More importantly, though, the Victorian era is much closer layout wise to fantasy-medieval settings, particularly when you consider that the presence of magic probably boosts the standard of living closer to the industrial era.

Besides, we're here because we're a tad bored by everyone living in one-room cabins, right?

These images measure 20' x 40' (4 x 8 squares) on transparent .pngs at 100px / 5' game space. (Sorry, guys, I make these for web and roll20, not print.) From top to bottom, we have a bedroom, the kitchen, and a parlor, with the 'hall' on the right.

Total area (not including halls; the SBG doesn't care of about halls or stairs): 429sqft

That's within tolerance of the "1 stronghold space" guides listed by the SBG. You're looking at the slightly upscale version of a one-room cabin. ... Let's see how this adds up, math-wise.

Bedroom: 117sqft - SBG "Basic Bedrooms" @ 700gp 
Kitchen: 143sqft - SBG "Basic Kitchen" @ 2000gp OR "Basic Alchemical Lab" @ 700gp
Parlor: 260sqft - SBG "Basic Commons" @ 500gp

Notice the big, fat 'OR' on the kitchen.

I addressed this issue in my pricing guide. Basically, because the SBG is geared to... well, strongholds, it's a little wonky when we want to scale the basic industrial kitchen to cooking part-time for a family of two. The alchemy lab contains measuring equipment, a fireplace, a water basin, and shelves for ingredients. The kitchen contains all that, as well as a cast-iron stove and a pantry. Pick what's appropriate.

The final tally:
Basic Bedrooms @700gp/400sqft = 205gp/117sqft > (rounded up) > 300gp
Basic Alchemy Lab @700gp/400sqft = 250gp/143sqft > (rounded up) > 300gp
Basic Commons @ 500gp/400sqft = 325gp/260sqft > (rounded up) > 400gp
Walls: wood, first floor = free
Doors: 2x free, 5x simple wood bought = 50gp
Windows: 7x glass = 70gp
Locks: 3x average = 120gp

Total: 1240gp for this house, fully furnished
DMG "Simple House" price? 1000gp. We're golden.

(Okay, this isn't totally accurate-- you don't get cushioned sofas in the basic commons. You get rough benches and ugly art. You want the sofas, you need to upgrade. :P Also, if you're putting a stove in that kitchen? That total price just flew up to 1740gp. You're welcome.)